We know that partnering together can help you expand your offerings, extend your reach, and meet more of your customers’ needs—and at MPN, we’re always looking for ways to make that process easier and more profitable.
Making your partnerships more profitable begins with reducing the cost of doing business with us. That’s why we’ve made updates that will enable you to earn credit toward an MPN cloud competency—even if you’re not a customer’s Digital Partner of Record.
Get credit for the work you do with Partner Association
Getting paid is important, of course, but it’s not the only value you can get from the cloud projects and services you complete.
We know that customers often engage with two or more Microsoft partners at a time, but until recently, only the partner listed as the Digital Partner of Record (DPOR) on a project was eligible for competency credit. As I mentioned in my January blog, we responded to your requests for more ways to earn recognition by introducing new ways to do so. Today, we are excited to share that you now can earn that recognition through Partner Association, a path for multiple partners to earn competency credit for the work they do on the same customer’s subscription.
How Partner Association works:
We know from a study we conducted with MDC Research that Microsoft affiliation has value in the minds of customers and prospects. Clearly, having competencies matters, and all the relevant work you do should count toward earning those competencies.
While being listed as a DPOR is the still the only path to qualify for incentives, you can now earn credit toward cloud competencies based on your customers’ usage and consumption data from the following sources:
• Transacting partners as reported in Microsoft internal sales systems
• Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP): Any partner who has been granted DAP privileges by a customer for Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Enterprise Mobility Suite, or Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
The Partner Association process is completely automated—there’s nothing additional you need to do to earn credit, other than one of the paths listed above. Continue to partner with others to provide great services and solutions to customers. Updated reporting will be available for viewing after June 30, 2016 from the Cloud Services Dashboard.
You do great work for customers, and we want to ensure that we recognize you for helping them realize the value of the cloud. We are continuing to explore more ways to recognize you and your work, so stay tuned!